Ok, so the title for this post is pretty melodramatic, but there is more than a little about it that is fitting. Two days ago my long-forgotten favorite trumpet came back into my hands after an overhaul by Charlie Melk. To say I was excited to see her again is an understatement. I unwrapped her with some serious nervousness. And then, there she was... After marveling at how amazing she looked from various angles for a few minutes, I went about my routine of checking all valves and slides in preparation for a test playing. Man, the slides were immaculate and slid so smoothly! I noted that the 1st valve slide was no longer out of round and the 3rd slide had been appropriately tightened a bit as I'd requested. I think the valves looked better than when I'd first bought the trumpet from the original owner back in 1983. Charlie had mentioned that he'd replaced the springs with a stronger batch, and indeed the valves felt quick and sure. If you've never played a set of G...